Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dogwood Day

Another perfect day, nice breeze and a few clouds rolling by.  Had a first lesson with a new piano student today and it went well. The other two regular Wednesday piano students had to take the day off due to school overload but I appreciated the time off. I begun the much needed second coat on the porch floor and admired the blossoming dogwoods in front of the house. The quiet today was much appreciated after the 3 hours spent on a school bus loaded with middle school girls yesterday, the things I do for the sake of music!(I was accompanying for a Choral festival)

For lunch, I made my easy baked curry. On days when I have chores to get done I like to make dishes that cook slowly in the oven. The food cooks while I get my stuff done.
Boneless chicken, carrots and onion go into a roasting pan along with a jar of Trader Joes curry simmering sauce
add a can of coconut cream
Stir and throw into 400F oven for 1 hour, stirring once after 30 minutes
Make some rice, 2 cups jasmine rice and 3 cups water in a pot, bring to boil, turn to low and simmer for 15 minutes.
Season with salt to taste, done!
perfect fluffy rice every time
serve with some steamed spinach

Out in the backyard, the containers I planted last fall continue to bloom and "swell" from the warm weather.
Violas, Hobbits foot sage and Burrows Tail Euphorbia
My favorite groundcover Euphorbia, it grows everywhere!
our purple plum with neighbor's flowering cherry in the background

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