Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daisies and Domestic Bliss

I celebrate my birthday this month and it has certainly been a glorious May in the garden. It has also been a somewhat hectic week of celebrations, running errands, catching up on laundry and gardening but the cooler weather has made it very pleasant.  Amidst the running around, I took time to cherish the beauty around me.
A beautiful specimen Oakleaf Hydrangea at a friends house
I love daises!
My herb plants on the patio are doing nicely
I made a garden herb omelet with some leftover asparagus & Feta
I also enjoyed working in the garden and riding my bike in this cooler weather. 
Ginger scented geraniums from Classic, one of my birthday gifts..
Afternoon snack: Tea , homemade marmalade on toasted English muffin with Feta
I was not sure how many sugar-snap peas I was going to get since the weather turned hot last week but this week's cooler weather means I might actually get a decent crop. I had my first "harvest" today, meaning I got enough to take indoors after snacking on a few right off the vines. Sugar-snap peas are definitely a worthwhile vegetable to plant in the backyard garden, provided the weather stays cool.
here come the pods!
I found some Crager-Hager spinach in the crisper, threw it into the mash red potatoes along with some herbs, it was wonderful!
Steamed garden snap peas, herb mash and roasted pork tenderloin. Supper in less than an hour!

1 comment:

  1. My goodness--the dishes you have prepared in these photographs look heavenly! My eyes popped at the sight of the mashed potatoes.

    Again, I'm awed by individuals who are able to cook.

    Terry James
