Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sushi, "Sunpatiens" and Strawberries

I found my favorite variety of New Guinea Impatiens today, a new variety branded "Sunpatiens" at Pike's. They were a great success last year, blooming till the first frost.
Weather has been lovely these past two days, sunny, fresh cool air and the pollen count seems low.  I played a recital Wednesday morning and also taught a few piano lessons but also got to have lunch with friends two days in a row and visit a few garden centers.
My prized Pahiopedilum Maudiae, 2 blooms open, one more bud to go. Green Hedgehog by Seth Fitts
Earth day vignette, Blown Bantam eggs, porcelain edamame, support wind power button and Anthropologie invitation
For lunch on Wednesday, we had sushi at Tokyo express. A newly opened restaurant here in town I am rather excited about. Finally a place to have sushi in a cozy atmosphere with good service. And most importantly, the sushi is delicious!
Mind boggling variety of sushi rolls offered
yummy seaweed salad with a citrusy dressing
"Crazy" roll
Kanmpai Roll topped with seared & gingered tuna and Rainbow roll
Today, we had lunch at Thai Spice, seems to be a routine eating at Thai Spice on Thursdays lately:  Thai Spice Thursday

Bonfire Patio Peach, got them for a good deal at Pike's
Freshly set fruit, let's hope some make it and I get to eat homegrown peaches
I picked up a couple of extra madeleine pans at Williams Sonoma in anticipation of an upcoming wedding in May and had a "fruitful" trip to Pike's. I got a couple of "standard" form peach trees for my big brown planters on the patio and some white New Guinea "sunpatiens" with variegated leaves. We also got to stop at the Oriental Marketplace where I enjoyed some bubble tea, stocked up on miso soup supplies and picked up a case of honey mangoes and also Bahn Mih sandwiches for supper. I also got my favorite "flower cookies" for dessert.
We also stopped at the Barnes & Noble for the latest issue of GARDEN DESIGN and discovered the Ashley Park farmers market was open for business. There were many vendors selling homemade cookies, salsas and honey but the most exciting thing was locally grown strawberries. They were grown without pesticides, sweet, juicy and red through and through. The vendors were nice to offer free samples and I came home with a gallon of them. They are almost as delicious as the ones from Crager-Hager farm which I am eagerly awaiting.
Fruits of the day: strawberries from near and mangoes from afar
Found these interesting "made in Scotland" confections in the 50% sale basket at Williams Sonoma
I always pick up some used coffee grounds from STARBUCKS, They are great for the compost heap but I have been scattering them under our blueberry bushes.
I got the peaches planted but ran out of potting soil and daylight, so no more gardening till tomorrow. I was pleased to see my Lily of the Valley harvested from the backyard still looking fresh after a few days.
Cool Silhouette

1 comment:

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